Monday 6 February 2017

Ted Hughes :- 'love song'

Ted Hughes :- 'love song;

Edward James "Ted" Hughes  (17 August 1930 – 28 October 1998) was an English poet and children's writer. Critics frequently rank him as one of the best poets of his generation, and one of the twentieth century's greatest writers.He served as Poet Laureate from 1984 until his death.


Love song

He loved her and she loved him
His kisses sucked out her whole past and future or tried to
He had no other appetite
She bit him she gnawed him she sucked
She wanted him complete inside her
Safe and sure forever and ever
Their little cries fluttered into the curtains
Her eyes wanted nothing to get away
Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows
He gripped her hard so that life
Should not drag her from that moment
He wanted all future to cease
He wanted to topple with his arms round her
Off that moment’s brink and into nothing
Or everlasting or whatever there was
Her embrace was an immense press
To print him into her bones
His smiles were the garrets of a fairy palace
Where the real world would never come
Her smiles were spider bites
So he would lie still till she felt hungry
His words were occupying armies
Her laughs were an assassin’s attempts
His looks were bullets daggers of revenge
Her glances were ghosts in the corner with horrible secrets
His whispers were whips and jackboots
Her kisses were lawyers steadily writing
His caresses were the last hooks o
f a castaway
Her love-trick were the grinding of locks
And their deep cries crawled over the floors
Like an animal dragging a great trap.


Hughes write about the anguish that people suffer in front of an inevitable death and also the acceptance that death is something horrible and death is a final infamous decay. In this way we can read Ted Hughes poem as realistic and negative. In this he says that to personification of poem and it may that to his personality, feeling and ideas of real world.

Ted Hughes has also touched the theme of love and has focused on the impact that loneliness causes when love is ended. In Hughes poem ‘love song’ settles a scene in were the two lovers are isolated from the rest of the world enjoy in an concept of‘carpediem’ in which time stop and lovers must enjoy their love before it is too late the embrace each other, even ‘breaking their bones in order to make the union indestructible’. That is their paradise were the real world never disturbs them.
The poet goes on in the poem with some metaphor and personification to emphasis that ideas of their unbreakable union, despite the real of the world events may happen, concepts like, surgeon, brooch, assin looks … symbolic that union against time pace and the exertion  world. However, after both lovers got consumed as a flam, the scene ends, and despite their screens’ are stuck in the whole both must rest and sleep as last three stanza there lines can be interprets as symbol of death because after their ‘shaking’ both must die existed and rest peacefully.

So that in this poem we can see that to be lover loved to them but not only for lovers in feeling to poet himself. And it may be use to this poem in many adjective, similes, personification words and also refers to be melodies song and it can be nature human person into poem.

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